Reflecting on God's Word in creation!

At the beginning of June, we invited the Today community to join us in embracing the beauty of God's creation while engaging in the June daily devotionals.

The response was overwhelming, and we were so encouraged to receive responses from so many of you, along with pictures of some of your porches, patios, and other special outdoor places where you spend time in God's Word. Here are a few of the images that readers shared from our Outdoor Devotional Challenge!

Mary Clark 1

I read my devotions every morning outside on my patio in spite of the heat and humidity so I can listen to birds and enjoy beauty of God’s creation He shares with me. - Mary

Today - Reg

I am very fortunate to be able to sit on my back patio and enjoy my devotional outside and watch the robin in the nest under the deck above feeding her young. You can’t really see the nest in this photo unless you really look for it but it is there. - Reg

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I have been enjoying your Appalachian trail experiences. Recently I was in British Columbia. We always marvel at God's creation when we hike out there. This year we were blessed when we encountered this wild peacock. I will definitely take my devotion outdoors. - Bev

We enjoy reading Today every morning at breakfast.  We've always enjoyed nature. I have been a gardener all my life ever since the victory gardens in WWII.  We moved to a condo 3 years ago, and didn't expect to see much wildlife here, but there's a large pond in back that harbors several kinds of ducks, Canada geese, and otters. We also have humming birds and other common city birds to watch, plus squirrels and rabbits. 

We sat outside this morning, and enjoyed the fresh air while we read the Today about Abraham's commitment to God's promises. The Lord will provide. A great thing to remember. Nell and I have found that to be true in all our lives. Thank you for your experiences on the Appalachian Trail, and how you related them to the Bible and your spiritual life.
- Maurice & Nell
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I’m sharing a couple of pictures of our favorite spaces to be. My husband and I live on a farm that sits directly below the White Rocks of Lee County. This first one is the entrance to our farm and you can see the White Rocks in the background.  The second picture is one view of my Tiger Lily bed in my flower garden.  We both enjoy sitting on our back porch and watching the wildlife birds specifically enjoying the garden I created for them and the butterflies. From our back deck we can enjoy the majestic view of the mountain we love.  There’s been plenty of times that I’ve started singing Amazing Grace when I first step out the back door in the morning and as long as God gives me breath I’m sure there’ll be more times. His creation is so amazing and so beautiful. We appreciate God sharing with us. - Judy
When I read today’s devotion my heart leaped! The Spirit had been prompting me to get outside each day… walk, commune with God in nature. I got a cup of tea and sat on the patio of my new home and read a few scripture while a family of hummingbirds did their serenade. I just paused for a moment and looked at the beautiful magnolia tree with the beautiful blossoms, my favorite tree as I am from Louisiana that is the state flower. Being among God’s beautiful nature, the “green” gives me a calm, a canvas to paint a vivid portrait of trust and peace to keep in focus as I start my day’s journey .
"Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I got a wonderful feeling everything’s going God’s way. I know He has goodness and mercy following me."
Thank you for confirming my nature walks. - Ponchita
I walk around the yard talking to God, he is my comfort. I sit and read my devotionals and see all God's beautiful creation and know he is all around  me.  I lost my husband in November and he planted this orange tree the butterfly was on. It just had emerged from its chrysalis. God is telling me everything will be good that God is always around me and always there.  Every moment is a wonderful blessing.  Thank you for letting me share. I am very thankful. - Suzanne
I love, love, love my mornings on the patio with God, prayer and coffee to start my day! It is a beautiful, peaceful time to take in God's creation, read devotions, and pray over those on my prayer list for the day. - TD
The beauty that the Lord created far exceeds anything man can even imagine. For me being close to nature is being close to God. His Spirit refreshes me when I read the Today devotion, as I look around my yard; here are some of the roses my husband planted along our side fence. 
- Susan
Thank you for allowing me to walk with you this month.
Every morning I try to sit on the patio overlooking the flower bed in front of me, enjoying the beautiful weather. - Effie
I work three days a week and I stop at the ocean for my prayer time and just to take in His beautiful creation. - Lenore

*Each of the reflections above are from June 2023's Today devotional. If you would like to make these printed booklets and online devotional resources available for families across North America in the year to come, you can make a gift through the link below.