'God With Us'
You are invited to enter into a community on Chicago’s South Side—to meet some of the people there, listen to their stories,
and witness where God’s Spirit is at work in one corner of creation.
In this short video and the photos that follow, Pastor Joe Huizenga introduces the devotions he wrote for December's Today and invites you to see God at work in your own community.
"Hidden Treasure"
Read December 1 devotional
December's devotions begin with an invitation: "Come to Chicago’s Roseland neighborhood with me. Drive down Michigan Avenue, past Root Brothers Hardware."
The reflection also mentions Ms. Arlene (pictured), a volunteer at Roseland Christian Ministries.
As you meet some of the people and hear about some of the places in Roseland, we hope that you may discover a deeper awareness of Christ’s presence in the communities where you live.
"Image of God"
Read December 19 devotional
When an art professor named John heard that a teenage member of Roseland Christian Ministries was shot and killed, John initiated the Roseland Portrait Project as a way to honor the young man and to strengthen bonds in the community.
May you remember that you, too, are created in God’s image. Every person you come across today is also made in God’s image.
A Dedicated Servant
Read More about Mrs. Davis' story
Mrs. Davis (name changed for her privacy) is a dedicated member of the church that meets in Roseland, attending prayer meetings and Bible studies four to five days a week. She has not given up on a family member who continues to grapple with addiction, offering support and prayers despite multiple attempts to help through various programs and resources.
She serves as a deacon at her church, and she's often the first to request one of the 400 Today devotional booklets we send to Roseland for the church members and food bank visitors at the church.

"What's Your Song?"
Read December 25 devotional
While this photo of Lavelle may seem strange at first, it accurately captures the joy that he carries with him even in something as simple as posing for a photo while volunteering at Roseland's thrift store.
"Now, it’s true that Lavelle likes having an audience. But even more so, he needs to praise God. He needs to express what is inside of him—belting out praise for who God is in his life. Lavelle has inside of him a song to sing."
What are the songs that God has put in your soul to magnify the Lord?
"Kerith Ravine"
Read December 29 devotional
"Chanell sits on a bench at Roseland's community garden. In places like those, God provides safety, security, and a restoring of the soul."
We all need a Kerith Ravine. Where is yours?
We need your help to keep these important devotional messages available to communities around the world. December is a great time to renew your commitment with a financial gift because your impact will be doubled thanks to a generous donor’s matching gift!